Drawing Tree Display Issue in Creo 2

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Ignoring a part in BOM

  • Thread starter Rajiv777
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  • #1
Hi frnz..

See... I ve a assembly which has 5 parts in it. And I ve made a assy drwg for it and also I ve generated a BOM using a repeat region.

Now my BOM listing all the five parts and its parameters as usual.

In this BOM, I dont want to see all the five parts. I want to exclude 1 or 2 parts only from the BOM not from the assy.

It means assy should contain 5 models in assembled condition but the drawing BOM should list only 3 parts. 2 parts should be excluded from the BOM.

Is it possible...?

Expecting ur replies...!!


  • #2
You can exclude lines from being shown on the BOM.

Go to Table -> Repeat Region ->Filtersand select your BOM table

You can filter by item, which will exclude the item from the BOM

  • #3
We use this regularly, but I have a further question. Is there any way that you can specify in the assembly that you don't want this component to show up on the BOM? SW has an "Exclude from BOM" checkbox for the components. I'm guessing that this isn't possible, particularly because the BOM on the drawing is just a table with a repeat region, but I'm curious if anyone is aware of a better method?


  • #4
A couple of options to consider.
Simplified Rep - make a rep with a rule to exclude parts with this name , than activate this rep in the drawing table.

Also I believe a skeleton model is automatically excluded from a BOM table .

There are most likely others too.

  • #5
Oddly, you would think that skeleton models are excluded, but you'd be wrong! I was looking for a parameter that I could use to filter them, but in my 30 second search, didn't find anything. Also, the problem with simp. reps. is that then you can't balloon the model using that table. I love simp. reps., but I really wish that the BOM/balloon functionality were better. Oh well, another place to use a workaround.


  • #6

I took a second look regarding skeleton and this maybe one of those very old not good any more features.

The default Bill of Materials for an assembly can be displayed by selecting Info from the pulldown menu, and BOM from the INFO menu. (Prior to release 16.0, the Info selection resides in the ASSEMBLY menu) This will display the BOM dialog box. This dialog box can be use to create and format simple text BOMs for assemblies and to include skeleton and unplaced components in the BOM. This dialog box can be seen in Figure 2. By default, the BOM is displayed in both an Information Window and a file. This can be changed setting the configuration option "info_output_mode" (default value: both; other values: choose, screen or file). Note that this option set the display for all the following INFO menu selections: Names, Model Info, Layer Info, BOM and Audit Trail. The default BOM for the "fanassembly" assembly is shown below in Figure 3.


Yes - outdated information - but at least my memory is still working.

To filter a Skeleton from a Rep use:
Select By Rule, then click Properties and Comp Type. You now can select to exclude Skeleton.

As for balloons - you are on to something there , with the issue of changing reps once the table and balloons are set. This is one of the reasons we use a custom balloon symbol instead. Long story that I think I posted year some years ago.

Pro-e and workarounds such is our query.

Good night.

  • #7
Ah, that makes sense. Also, I'll have to look into that rule filter. I hadn't seen it, but again, I only looked for a few seconds.

Just adding to the string of frustrations with the tool. Oh well, I guess nothing's perfect!


  • #8
Skeleton models are excluded from BOM by default unless explicitly include. They are also not included in mass property calculations. If it is showing up, something is wrong. Either it is not a true skeleton model or something has been configured to allow them to be included.
  • #9
Where might a setting like that be found? I am not even sure where to look. Could it be the way that my company's template table is set up? All I know is that I always filter it by item in the repeat region. Not usually a big deal, the part number (driven by the file name) makes it obvious, but would like for it not to be there at all!


  • #10
Skeleton models are excluded from BOM by default unless explicitly include. They are also not included in mass property calculations. If it is showing up, something is wrong. Either it is not a true skeleton model or something has been configured to allow them to be included.


Skeleton models are not excluded from the BOM automatically. If you want to exclude all skeletons from the BOM then you have to filter them out by entering the following filter rule: &asm.mbr.type != "SKELETON MODEL"


  • #11
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Here is an excerpt from the Help:
"Skeleton Models in BOMs and Model Trees
Skeleton models do not show up in the BOM unless you specifically include them. They do not contribute to mass or surface properties. They can be displayed in drawing views and can be included during the creation and manipulation of simplified representations and external shrinkwrap features. "

I have never had to filter a skeleton from a BOM since Skeletons have been available and I use them quite extensively.

  • #12
Here is another:
BOM and Mass Properties Behavior

In Skeleton Models

When working with a skeleton model in an assembly, Creo Parametric generates Bill of Materials (BOM) information and mass properties information that accurately reflects the design models and either the default or user-specified mass properties. However, the assembly BOM and assembly mass properties ignore skeleton models entirely when working on parts.

In Master Representations

To obtain the full BOM or the mass properties of the Master Representation while working with a simplified representation, you must switch to the Master Representation. Creo Parametric includes included components in mass property calculations because they are in session. It does not include excluded components unless they are in session. Mass properties only reflect what is currently on the screen.

The BOM lists all components of assemblies that are in session. Unless the Master Representation is in session, the BOM is not accurate. Pro/PDM provides the full BOM without retrieval of objects.

For substituted objects, Creo Parametric has access to the names of both the original object and the substituted object. The mass properties of the substituted component are available because the component is in session. If they have been assigned through Interchange mode, the mass properties of the original object are available in the substituted component.

  • #13
"srieger" you are absolutely right about that. But I think we are talking about excluding skeletons from repeat region table on drawings.
You refer to XML generated BOM --> which is generated when you go to Info > Bill of materials menu in assembly menu (WF5) and this option has nothing to do with repeat region tables on drawings.


  • #14
So, now we've got some conflicting information. I have seen that help quote before, so I assumed it would work that way, but that hasn't been my experience. Mine has been more similar to Miki12's.

Scott, what was the purpose of your quote on Master Representations? How does that relate to skeleton models showing up in a BOM?

What I'm looking for is a suggestion for a setting (or place to look for said setting) that would keep the skeleton model out of my repeat region BOM on my drawing.

  • #15

It looks like this discussion is talking about two types of Bom's

1) BOM = assembly model
This does have the exclude Skeleton by default setting.


2) BOM = drawing table
The options to exclude items for this table that I am aware of are:

- Manually

- Simplified Reps

- Filter rule: example filter rule: &asm.mbr.type != "SKELETON MODEL" ( thanks Miki )

Learned a few more tips , thanks to All

  • #16
Yeah, sounds about right. I never had much reason to use the assembly model BOM, but a drawing BOM is something I create for every model. Out of curiosity, what do other people use the assembly model BOM for? Might have uses for us, I'm just not aware of them.
  • #17
We use this regularly, but I have a further question. Is there any way that you can specify in the assembly that you don't want this component to show up on the BOM? SW has an "Exclude from BOM" checkbox for the components. I'm guessing that this isn't possible, particularly because the BOM on the drawing is just a table with a repeat region, but I'm curious if anyone is aware of a better method?


Hello Karl.
Try this: 1-Unzip all the atached files. 2-Creat a new part using the prt file as template. Now you must have a parameter call "compra". 3-creat a new DRW file based on the part you created.
4-Insert the atached tables. 5- "try to change de "compra" parameter values and see the changes on the tables.

Ope this will help you.

João Silva.


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Source: https://www.mcadcentral.com/threads/ignoring-a-part-in-bom.21828/

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